I sought to find balance...and found it not so easy to do as it is to say.
I had a birthday last week....I am blessed to be able to tell you that I am 47 years old now. Numbers never bother me...I am what I am.
What I am is real and what I want to be is to be better at being real.
I have read, re-read, pondered and debated life...
and how I accept things
I know HOW I should handle most things.......
things one wouldn't think would happen
Things found me this past week...
and I forgot HOW to handle some of them...
....and I got lost.
Today I look at these things and I think
"I realise I am "lost" in these things..."
.....the process of being "lost" part can enable me to become that better "real" I want to be!
Aha! Someting good has already come out of these things!
I ask myself today:
Who holds the world in the power of His hand?
Did He not allow these things to come my way?
Who invites me to come under the shelter of His wing?
Who is my Shield and Buckler?
Who is Jehovah but the Creator of all?
In this shall I rest today.
I purposed to do at least one full set of Sun Salutation this morning.
My mat lay on the floor...
it is cold this morning.
I want to do Savasana...so I cover with a blanket.
My body won't go there
too much to do, it says.
So I slowly rise into Seated Angle and rest here for a few breaths.
The up into Tadasana and my one complete set of SunSalutations
aware of my breathing
mindful of my neck
(Just found out that I have some degenerative stuff going on there)
and instead of feeling shortchanged
My body says "Good job; I needed just that right now. Check with me later and let's see if we want to do some more".
Listen to the body.
I will find balance...by listening to my body
paying attention to it's needs
not a worldy agenda.
I will be mindful. ...in each footstep I take today
to be present to every person, place or thing I touch
leaving it better than when I arrived.
My blog moved
6 years ago
Nice goal. A lot harder for most, some of the most simple acts are the hardest. Nice blog...
Hello, what a beautiful blog and you write wonderfully. I enjoy it a lot. Namaste. M
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